Autism Support in Knoxville, TN

Integrative and functional medicine are approaches widely used by families caring for children or individuals with autism. Research suggests that between 30 and 95 percent of children with autism spectrum disorder have been provided with complementary or alternative medical treatment. However, research on the benefits of these approaches is lacking, so many physicians and health care providers find it difficult to advise families.

At Knox Wellness, we will help patients and parents navigate the various approaches and assist in recommending the most researched therapies. Our assistance includes melatonin, omega oils, the elimination/subtraction of diet and more. Functional medicine also emphasizes the importance of gut health, which can affect neurotransmitter function. We also provide advanced testing to help with suggesting the best support for the immune system and gut-brain axis. At Knox Wellness, we always believe it is important to provide all important information to help families decide what’s best for them.

Contact Knox Wellness today to schedule a consultation with our medical team and find out how our autism services can help maintain your child’s overall wellness.