Autoimmune Conditions in Knoxville, TN

We take a natural approach to treating autoimmune disease—a common condition that affects over 50 million Americans. It can manifest into multiple disorders and symptoms, and we offer testing for these diseases as well as natural solutions to managing autoimmune disease and maintaining health and wellness.

What are the Symptoms of Autoimmune Disease?

Fatigue, fever, and feeling ill are common symptoms associated with autoimmune disease. It can affect multiple areas of the body, including the:

  • Joints
  • Muscles
  • Skin
  • Red blood cells
  • Blood vessels
  • Connective tissue
  • Endocrine glands

How are Autoimmune Diseases Treated?

At Knox Wellness, we understand how important it is to have an accurate diagnosis and identification so you can begin the road to back to wellness. We offer advanced testing and naturopathic approaches to treat a wide range of autoimmune diseases including:

  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis: This is when the body attacks the thyroid, which is the butterfly-shaped gland in the neck, and cause hypothyroidism.
  • Fibromyalgia: Characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, Fibromyalgia may also be associated with mood swings, sleep disorders, and memory issues.
  • Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR): This is a gene mutation that can potentially cause inflammation, heart disease, birth defects, and other symptoms.

If autoimmune disease is identified in your lab results, our medical team can offer expert recommendations for diet and supplements to help your body manage symptoms and maintain wellness.

Contact Knox Wellness today to schedule a consultation with our medical team find out how we test and treat autoimmune disease using natural, comprehensive methods.