Regenerative Medicine in Knoxville, TN

At Knox Wellness Experience in Knoxville, TN, we offer regenerative medicine treatments to help patients experience natural healing from specific conditions, including joint and soft tissue injuries and pain. We rely on growth factors derived from the patient’s bodies, exosomes, and safely-sourced stem cells to promote healing. Our treatment process doesn’t require surgery and won’t result in adverse reactions, but it will deliver multi-faceted benefits by strengthening and healing the treatment area.

What Is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative medicine refers to treatments that aid the body in healing itself. Over time, our bodies lose their natural healing elements due to aging, injury, and disease. Regenerative medicine aims to help the body act younger, repair itself, and regenerate without requiring invasive, surgical, or chemical-laden solutions.

The aging process can cause the natural deterioration of joints, often accelerated by a sports injury or lifestyle factors. The result of such an injury can severely limit mobility, cause pain, and negatively impact the quality of life. By using PRF, stem cells, and exosomes, we can promote healing and restoration of the affected area without requiring that the patient take medications, receive steroid injections, or undergo surgery. After undergoing treatment, patients can expect:

  • Better alignment
  • Improved joint function
  • The ability to resume activities without pain
  • Improved quality of life
  • Restoration of a full range of motion of the affected area

What We Offer

At Knox Wellness Experience, we offer different treatment options, including PRF injections to treat joint pain and soft tissue injuries. We also offer exosome and stem cell treatments to help patients experience thorough and long-term natural healing. Stem cells are made of processed birth tissue that contains key components and healing elements to treat cells in the patient’s body that have been compromised in some form.

They generate new cells to replace those compromised cells that aren’t functioning as they should due to aging, illness, and disease. The stem cells we use during treatment are derived from safe and ethical sources. We adhere to the highest standards and consider patient safety in obtaining and administering stem cells during treatments.

PRF Injections for Joint in Soft Tissue Pain and Injuries

If you have sustained a joint or soft tissue injury, the typical treatment protocol initially involves rest, ice, compression, and elevation. However, sometimes these steps don’t effectively contribute to the healing process, and you’re still left with pain that’s often debilitating, detracts from your quality of life, and prevents you from doing the things you love or even functioning normally from day to day. 

How and Why PRF Injections Work

PRF injections provide a non-surgical, extremely effective treatment option for those who have sustained a joint injury or are dealing with soft tissue pain. PRF stands for platelet-rich fibrin and contains growth factors and isolated platelets that, when isolated, prepared, and re-injected into the body, help it heal, repair, and regenerate itself. 

Unlike many traditional treatment options, including steroid injections, anti-inflammatory medications, and even surgical solutions, PRF injections focus on the root cause of the problem and help the body heal and repair itself. Many patients who undergo a PRF joint injection treatment plan notice that not only do they experience full healing, but the treatment area becomes stronger after completing the PRF treatment plan.

The Treatment Benefits

There are many benefits to turning to regenerative medicine to help your body heal and restore itself. Most patients qualify for treatment because our treatment options include naturally-based solutions, including the platelet-rich fibrin derived from the patient’s blood to heal the body. Other treatment benefits include:

  • No risk of adverse reaction
  • Treatments are safe and effective
  • Treatment methods rely on natural healing elements and ingredients
  • Treatment areas are often stronger after treatment
  • Treatments are quick and don’t require significant downtime
  • Treatment processes are non-surgical and minimally invasive
  • Treatment process addresses the source of the pain and injury

How the Treatment Process Works

Your treatment begins with an initial consultation, during which we will evaluate your problem area, perform a physical exam, and determine the best treatment plan for you. We will recommend whether your injury or joint pain would benefit from a treatment plan with stem cells, PRF, or exosomes. Once we design your treatment plan, we can begin the process, which is quick and virtually painless. 

We prepare the necessary form of regenerative medicine into an injectable form, then administer it to the injured area, joint, or tissue causing pain. The growth factors and healing properties included within the injectable will begin working to regenerate areas that have begun to experience degeneration, heal the joint and tissue, and restore a full range of motion.

What To Expect

While patients will benefit from a single treatment, a series of injections may be necessary to adequately target the source of pain or injury. Patients have different concerns regarding joint and tissue pain and injuries, which is why we design unique treatment plans. Completing the recommended number of treatments will ensure that your body adequately heals, and you experience the full benefits of your regenerative medicine treatment plan. 

Am I a Candidate?

If you’ve sustained an injury or have been living with acute or chronic joint pain, you may be a good candidate for regenerative medicine using stem cells, PRF, or exosomes to help your body heal and repair itself. Patients who don’t want to commit to a surgical procedure to treat joint pain and no longer want to use medications or steroid injections to mask their pain are good candidates for this effective alternative therapy.

Experience Healing the Natural Way

You don’t have to live with joint or tissue pain, and you don’t have to rely on another medication that could cause potential side effects, receive a steroid injection, or resort to surgery for full healing. Regenerative medicine provides a safe and effective solution for patients with joint and tissue damage or injuries. An initial consultation is the first step in learning more about our treatments and confirming your eligibility.