
Find Chemo/Radiation Exhausting? Try Integrative Oncology

Chemotherapy and radiation are life-saving treatments for cancer patients, but they tend to leave you feeling drained of energy. Unfortunately, it may even make you feel worse than the cancer itself. If you wish you could feel livelier and more alert during your fight against cancer, integrative oncology may be the solution you’ve been searching for. Our integrative treatments are designed to boost your health and happiness so that you can be a more active participant in your life when you are not in the hospital.   

Why You Feel Tired During Your Cancer Treatments

The main reason that you feel exhausted following chemo and radiation is that these treatments inevitably kill some of your healthy cells along with the cancerous cells. Your body exerts a lot of energy trying to repair itself after treatment. New research has also found that radiation causes the skin to produce the hormone beta-endorphin, which triggers fatigue.

Some patients find that this feeling of fatigue lingers for several months to as long as a year after their treatment ends. This can be disheartening when you want to get back to the kind of activities that make life worthwhile. 

How Integrative Oncology Can Help

At Knox Wellness Experience, our experts take a holistic approach to treating our cancer patients. While this treatment is by no means meant to replace chemotherapy or radiation, it is tailored to your needs to complement and support your other treatment by restoring your energy. This is accomplished through a combination of medicine, natural treatments, and alternative therapies. None of the integrative approaches damage tissue or interfere with your chemo/radiation.

Through a variety of integrative support treatments, cancer patients like you have found that they:

  • Feel more alert.
  • Get better-quality sleep, which diminishes daytime fatigue.
  • Have a bigger appetite. (More eating leads to more energy production.)
  • Are in a better mood, which limits depression-related lethargy.
  • Experience less discomfort overall.

Meet Our Team

Cancer treatment is hard enough without it making you feel exhausted. The medical team at Knox Wellness Experience in Knoxville, TN wants to help you better enjoy your time outside the clinic or hospital. This means having the energy and mental health to be active with your family, visit friends, and anything else that would ordinarily make you happy. To see why so many of our oncology patients love our integrative treatments during and after chemo or radiation, please call 865-801-9501 or book an appointment online. 

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