
Comprehensive Thyroid Management

Your hormones play a crucial part in regulating many bodily functions. When your body does not produce the right amount of hormones, the homeostasis of your body will falter. The purpose of your thyroid gland is to produce some of these essential hormones that control bodily functions, such as temperature control and metabolism regularity. At Knox Wellness, we offer thyroid management. This is an effective method to take care of your thyroid issues. If you would like to know more about the thyroid management we offer, give us a call or visit us in Knoxville, TN, to schedule a consultation. 

What is a Thyroid Gland?

Your thyroid is a small gland in your neck. It is responsible for producing many hormones essential for regulating bodily functions, such as blood pressure, temperature, weight, and so much more. Thyroid problems, such as thyroid nodules (solid or fluid-filled lumps), can be caused by many different factors. Thyroid disease may be hereditary. Managing your thyroid is not an easy task if you do it yourself. You will need professional help to effectively manage your thyroid problems. 

What Is Thyroid Management?

Due to factors such as age and hereditary, the functions of your thyroid gland may not function as they used to. Thyroid management is not a one-time treatment. Proper thyroid management requires consistent treatment over time. It is a great way to manage activity in your thyroid gland, and your overall well-being. The treatment plan that we offer is unique to your needs, which means that you can reach your health goals with us. 

Thyroid management can be used if you are newly diagnosed with a thyroid problem, or if you have been dealing with the issues for a while. 

The Consultation

If you are not currently diagnosed, you will need to be diagnosed during your first consultation with us. We will ask you a series of questions related to your health. This may include questions about your weight, the health of your nails, sensitivity to heat and cold, dry skin, and changes in your hair. You should disclose any medical information, such as medication you are currently taking, herbal supplements, and physical conditions. This will help us to determine whether or not you have thyroid issues. 

Thyroid testing also includes taking blood tests. This will evaluate the level of thyroid hormone in your blood. If your thyroid hormone is not active enough, it is referred to as hypothyroidism. If it is too active, it is referred to as hyperthyroidism. This will allow us to determine the proper dosage of medication for your thyroid condition. 

Your thyroid can be felt at the bottom of your neck. While your physician may begin here, other aspects, such as breathing and heart rate, temperature, and blood pressure, will be checked. We will also check the health of your nails, skin, and hair. 

Thyroid Medication

Depending on whether you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, we will recommend a suitable thyroid treatment to meet your unique needs. However, the most common medication used to treat thyroid symptoms is beta-blockers. Thyroid medication is usually taken daily for months or even years. These small doses over a long period help to regulate the functions of your thyroid. 

What is Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a thyroid condition associated with over-activity within your thyroid. This is a result of your thyroid producing too much of the thyroxine hormone. Hyperthyroidism increases your body’s basal processes, including your heart rate and metabolic functions, and other essential processes. Symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, sweating, and mood swings. 

What is Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism, on the other hand, is a thyroid condition that makes your thyroid underactive. In this case, your thyroid does not produce enough of the thyroxine hormone. This, in turn, slows down many of your bodily processes. Symptoms may include fatigue, weight gain, slow metabolism, and depression. 

Thyroid Testing

Thyroid care is an ongoing process. While thyroid medication assists the function of your thyroid, you may still need to have annual blood tests done to monitor the activity of your thyroid. This will allow us to change the dosage of your medication if necessary. 

Early Thyroid Symptoms

Thyroid symptoms may often be confused with the symptoms of other conditions. However, there are some early signs that you may need thyroid management. Here are a few things to look out for: 

  • Chill-like sensations throughout your body
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Consistently low body temperature and blood pressure
  • Brittle nails

Taking care of your thyroid and overall health requires you to seek medical assistance when you experience any symptoms that might indicate a health concern. 

When Will I See the Results?

The results that you achieve from your thyroid management program will depend on your age, the severity of your condition, the medication you are using, and your dosage. On average, you will be able to see results a few weeks after you have started your thyroid management program. Symptoms, such as dry skin, brittle nails, and fatigue, will improve within about a month. Better temperature regulation, metabolism, and heart rate may be more noticeable earlier. 

Thyroid Management For You

Thyroid disease can be challenging to deal with. Many symptoms can make your daily life difficult. You don’t have to live with a thyroid condition anymore. At Knox Wellness, we offer comprehensive thyroid management. You can count on us to diagnose and medicate you effectively. If you are experiencing symptoms related to thyroid disease, contact us. We will help you manage your thyroid. Alternatively, you can visit us in Knoxville, TN, to schedule a consultation.

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